How To Send Feedback

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Written by: Erika Khanna | Edited by: Alison Robins | Illustrated by: Officevibe team

Click Send feedback. Note: If you're using Maps in Lite mode, you’ll see Send general feedback. Choose Your opinions about Maps. To add a screenshot with your feedback, follow the instructions. Tips for giving good feedback. Be as specific as possible. If you're not sure what something is called, you can describe it instead. Leave feedback about call of duty: warzone It's also super helpful to learn about any bugs you find in the game. If you run into a bug or encounter something you think isn't working or displaying as intended, let us know. To send questions, comments or suggestions for your favorite ABC shows, please visit and select 'ABC Programming Feedback' from the 'Select Your Issue' drop down menu. Was this article helpful?

Feedback is a gift. At least, that’s what many employees say, but is that how they feel? Effective feedback is only achievable if psychological safety is at the foundation of workplace dynamics. Otherwise, employees may not feel comfortable being explicitly transparent for fear of gossip, hurting people’s feelings, or being labeled as a ‘complainer’.

This is where anonymous feedback comes in. Officevibe is an easy and accessible way for employees to be upfront about their concerns. Not only does this increase transparency, but it also saves managers time by highlighting areas to take action, and initiates more effective two-way conversations. With anonymous feedback, managers are given the opportunity to fully understand what is required of them in order for teams to feel supported.

Over the course of a year, employees around the world submitted 2.1 million anonymous feedback messages to their managersusing Officevibe!

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of anonymous feedback.

In this article you’ll learn:

Master your feedback skills with our simple 10-step feedback framework.

Top 3 positive effects of anonymous feedback

1. Safe space to broach difficult topics:

Healthy teams have psychological safety at their baseline. This breeds trust, value and reliability. Anonymous feedback facilitates this, enabling employees to share openly. Consequently, leading to important discussions that would otherwise, not be had.

2. Trust, support, authentic connection:

At the end of the day, employees want to feel support from their team and their managers. Encouraging your team to share their thoughts (whether anonymously or not) shows that you value resolving their trepidations, their wellbeing, and setting them up for success. Officevibe’s anonymous feedback tool creates the option for feedback to be turned on or off, giving employees agency not only over what they share, but how they share it.

3. Ask questions with confidence:

Anonymity not only allows for openness in response, it allows managers to feel confident when asking tough questions. Does your team have the resources they need to get their work done on time? Are there team dynamics that need to be addressed? Is a change required for a healthier dynamic? Would this result in productivity and employee engagement? These are all valid questions that employees may feel more comfortable answering anonymously.

TLDR on positive effects of anonymous feedback:

  • Encourages employees to bring up tough topics in a safe environment
  • Asking for feedback lets your team know that you care about their happiness
  • Managers can ask tough questions in a confidential way using Officevibe

How to use Officevibe to collect and follow up on anonymous feedback

Officevibe’s anonymous feedback tool allows employees to easily share feedback with their manager at any given time. It gives your team a simple and safe vehicle to express their voice on the many matters of their day-to-day work.

How To Send Feedback Emails

The beauty of our anonymity feature is that it helps employees start conversations that might otherwise be difficult to broach. Conversations related to their work environment, compensation, relationships with managers and other colleagues, etc. Ultimately, it inspires a culture of efficient and consistent communication, the most essential ingredient to a successful team.

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One manager shares her experience using Officevibe:

It shows me things that would be invisible otherwise. I wanted an option where my team could leave anonymous feedback. I was new, and I knew they were not going to give it to me directly, because they didn’t trust me yet.

Katelyn Koplan, Operations Manager at Back Office Betties

Master your feedback skills with our simple 10-step feedback framework.

5 best practices for anonymous feedback

Step 1: Take note of behavioral patterns. Keep an observation journal of your team’s current situation. Notice low productivity, stress strained relationships, or low collaboration. This will help you refer back to situations as you collect feedback and identify recurring pain points on your team.

Step 2: Introduce Officevibe: Let employees know that Officevibe is being implemented for them, to make things better and give them all an equal voice. Encourage employees to be honest in their responses and use the anonymity feature.


Step 3: Gather the data. Once your team has submitted their thoughts using the feedback tool, take a moment to review it. Group common themes together. Evaluate where there are larger team concerns. Spend time crafting the best way to present your findings back to the team.

Step 4: Follow up and take action.Never let feedback go unanswered. Thank employees for their honest input! Then, it’s time to apply what you’ve learned to heal dynamics, shift employee engagement, and build strong productivity. Provide a day/time where you’ll be scheduling open office hours in case anyone would like to continue to discuss their feedback in person. You can also book group sessions to discuss larger feedback themes and have the teamwork together to brainstorm solutions that are meaningful to them.

Bonus: You can respond to anonymous feedback directly in Officevibe! Ask follow up questions to dig deeper in the same safe environment.


Step 5: Maintain a level of trust with the group. Never share feedback unless an employee volunteers for you to share it publicly. Doing so demonstrates that you take their anonymity and thoughts seriously and that you value their input. Initiate psychological safety whenever employees share candid thoughts.

Collaboration has improved more than anything. Officevibe gives us the chance as a team to look at scores together in-depth, and collaborate on the results – especially if we’re using Custom Polls to survey the actions we’re taking.

Matt Collins, Managing Director at Platypus Digital

TLDR on how to use Officevibe to collect and follow up on anonymous feedback

  • Keep a journal of initial behaviours, gaps, dynamics, productivity “dead zones”.
  • Communicate the use of Officevibe’s anonymous feedback tool.
  • Let employees know they can choose to turn anonymity on or off.
  • Clarify the purpose of anonymous feedback.
  • Cluster recurring feedback as they come up to prioritize action.
  • Follow up with your team during 1-on-1 catch up’s and group meetings.
  • Thank your team for their input and be clear on next steps.

Once you learn about what’s holding people back, the door to propel them forward starts to open. Officevibe’s anonymous feedback tool helps managers do this with minimal time. As you create this notable shift, employees will appreciate your efforts and your team will be motivated to achieve future goals.

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If you’re reading this, there’s probably already a good chance that you understand the importance of gathering feedback from your customers. But understanding the importance of feedback doesn’t mean you magically know how to actually collect that feedback.

If you want to:

  • Actually get responses from your customers
  • Make sure those responses are helpful and accurate

Then there are some customer feedback best practices you need to follow.

But beyond that, you’ll also need a rock solid message to gather that feedback. And while you could always write something from scratch, I’m guessing you’d prefer to work from a customer feedback email template.

To help with that, I’m going to use this post to go step-by-step through what makes for a successful customer feedback email. And I’ll also include plenty of customer feedback email samples so that you can see how real businesses are doing things.

How To Send Feedback

6 Ingredients For The Perfect Customer Feedback Email Template

Ok – I’m going to dig into each piece in more detail below.

But at a high level, here’s what you need to do if you want to send successful customer feedback emails:

  • Use an attention-grabbing email subject
  • Start with a personalized salutation so they know this isn’t spam
  • Tell them why they’re getting the feedback request
  • Share how you’re going to use the results to benefit them
  • Give them an idea how long the process will take (for something structured like a survey)
  • End with a thank you and a CTA

1. Make Your Email Subject Awesome

Before you can even think about getting your customer to leave feedback, you need to get them to actually open the email. Everything that comes after this section is moot if you can’t get that.

Let’s start with what you shouldn’t do. If you’re sending out a feedback request, you might be tempted to use words like:

  • Help
  • Reminder (this is a regular entrant for follow-up feedback emails)

But according to data from MailChimp, those words can actually decrease your open rate.

So what types of words can you use instead? That same data from MailChimp showed that these words worked better:

  • Invited
  • Invitation
  • Urgent

MailChimp also found that, while using name personalization in general is a benefit, using both a recipient’s first and last name has the best effect.

And finally – people are busy, so if you can slip in a time estimate (or better yet, a specific number) that’s going to give people the confidence that they’re not in for a massive undertaking.

Here Are Some Good (And Bad) Examples Of Feedback Email Subjects

To see how well brands follow these guidelines, I took a look back through some recent feedback emails that I’ve received:

The green arrows indicate emails I actually opened and participated in, while the red arrow indicates a fairly poor example that should be banished from email inboxes forever (I did not open the HostGator email).

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2. Start Things Off With A Salutation

How to send feedback revision request

Ok, you got people to open your email with a great subject. Now what?

While you’ll see brands do it both ways, I always think that starting your email with a personalized salutation is a nice way to show that you’re not shot-gunning these feedback emails off at random.

You don’t have to go crazy – a simple “Hello” or “Hi” will do just fine:

3. Let Them Know Why They’re Getting The Email

Like a salutation, this one is about 50/50 on all the various customer feedback survey emails I’ve seen – so it’s definitely not an unbreakable rule.

But I always think that a short reminder why you’re asking someone for feedback helps frame the context of your request.

It doesn’t need to be long – just a quick sentence is good enough. For example, Nest manages to do it in a mere four words:

4. Tell Them How Their Answers Will Help

People like to feel important and like they’re getting some benefit out of the deal. So if your customers feel like the only result of them taking a survey is that you might be able to generate more revenue, they’re probably not going to be all that interested in helping out.

That’s why it helps to tell them exactly how their answers are going to improve their experience.

To be honest, most brands just throw in something about “we’ll use this information to create a better experience for you.” And while that is better than nothing, it’s not as good as it could be.

Instead, I think this example from Unsplash does a great job:

Here’s why I like it so much:

  • It’s specific – Unsplash wants to prioritize what to build (rather than something generic like “offer a better experience).
  • It gives the survey-taker a sense of ownership – by providing feedback, the survey-taker has a better chance of being able to have their favorite feature developed.

How To Send Feedback To Omegle

Here’s another good example from Shopify that follows similar principles:

Like Unsplash, someone who takes that Shopify survey is going to feel like they’re benefiting themself by improving the chances of getting features they want.

5. Let Them Know How Long The Process Will Take

If you’re sitting down to your computer, which of these two potential tasks sounds the most appealing?

  • Complete this survey of indeterminate length
  • Complete this short, 3-minute survey

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Unless you’re a masochist – it’s the second one, right?

That’s why one thing that you’ll almost universally see in customer feedback emails is a statement regarding how long the survey will take. You already saw it in several of the examples above, but in case you forgot, here it is again in an email from Airbnb:

6. Thank Them And Send Them To The Survey

Almost finished! Now that you’ve done all the hard work of setting up your survey, all that’s left to do is:

  • Thank them in advance – even the simple act of saying “thank you” makes people feel more favorably towards you.
  • Provide a CTA to send them to the survey – make it painfully clear how your customers can access the survey with a strong CTA.

In case you missed it above, Airbnb does both well in its email:

Wrapping Things Up

How To Send Feedback To Msn

And there you have it! A customer feedback email template that will help you vacuum up valuable data from your customers.

Remember, here’s all there is to it:

  • Nail the subject line
  • Open with a salutation
  • Tell people why you’re asking them for feedback
  • Let them know how you’ll use the feedback (and how it benefits them)
  • Make sure they know how long it will take
  • Thank them and send them to your CTA

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And if you’d like to learn more about specific types of surveys you can send, you might also enjoy our article on Net Promoter Score.

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With the exception of my inbox, all emails found at Really Good Emails

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